There are a huge number of websites providing you with online storage and the latest is keepit.
Keepit is an online storage facility with a difference. You don't have to log in each time and upload files of significance, which is a daunting task. Keepit saves you all these tasks with a storage client, which the website calls the ' Keepit Client'.
So how does keepit work ?
All you have to do is create an account for yourself with keepit and install the client to your computer. The first time you use this client, it gives you a digital key which you are asked to save.
This key is provided, to prevent anybody else from using your data.
After saving your key in a reliable location like a USB drive, use the client to specify folders which you would like it to take a backup of.
It is a breeze from hereon. You dont have to worry about losing data.
The most important aspect in the whole process is the key, which is very essential to retrive the stored online data. Only this key can ensure that you restore the encrypted data online.
Keepit is primarily a paid service, but you can opt for the free service with a more then sufficient 2GB storage.
So never lose your data !! Keepit.
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