Googlepages is being moved, retain your files.

It is widely known that googlepages has not been accepting new sign-ups in the recent past, since the inception of Google Sites. Google now, has decided to scrap googlepages altogether and shift the existing webpages to Google Sites. Googlepages as everybody knows has been used for reliable file storage rather than website creation by the blogging community.

Now What happens to your file Storage ??

Yeah !! your file storage is at risk. Googlepages in it's migration info on every account has categorically stated that the Javascript and CSS files will not be transferred to Google Sites. In the absence of any mention about images, they can be assumed to be at risk too. Take a look at the Screenshot below :

What Next ?

The Next course is as simple as that.
  1. Download your site entirely, from the link shown in the screenshot.
  2. Upload your files to some other reliable file-hosting service.
I bet you will miss google's reliability. If so, there is some good news for you. You can upload your images to Google Sites, it works. As far as Javascript and other files are concerned, you gotta do some googling.
